JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

2020 OYFF

2020 OYFF

Ontario Young Farmers Forum moves to a virtual program!

In light of ongoing health concerns related to COVID-19, JFAO will transition the Ontario Young Farmers Forum (OYFF) to a virtual discussion series for 2020. The virtual program will consist of a four-part speaker series during the month of November. A number of topics will be covered in these sessions and the final session will include a panel of young farmers from across Canada. Each session will include a presentation from a Canadian farmer!

Check out the FAQ‘s below.

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Read more about the 2020 OYFF programs and watch the video replays.

OYFF 2020 Virtual Programs

webinar OYFF

Walk the Talk: Exploring Mental Health In Agriculture

Session 1 - Monday, November 2, 2020 at 7:00 pm

webinar OYFF

4R’s: More Sustainable Than You Think!

Session 2 - Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 7:00 pm

webinar OYFF

Planning for Farm Succession with MNP

Session 3 - Wednesday, November 18, 2020 at 7:00 pm

webinar OYFF

The Canadian Young Farmer Panel

Session 4 - Thursday, November 26, 2020 at 7:00 pm

OYFF 2020 Sponsors Poster