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OYFF – Session 4 November 26, 2020

OYFF – Session 4 November 26, 2020

The Canadian Young Farmer Panel

Session 4

Session Presenters

This panel discussion will feature a group of young farmers from across Canada. Each panelist will describe their operation and share their farm story. Then the group will discuss a number of different agricultural topics.

Andrea Gal - Moderator of 2020 OYFF

Andrea Gal


Andrea M. Gal recently joined Wilton Consulting Group as a research analyst. Andrea also runs a cash crop operation, as well as seed and fertilizer dealerships, with her family in Oxford County, Ont. She volunteers as the secretary-treasurer of Farm Management Canada and as the content manager with the Ag Women's Network. For over four years, she served as the managing editor of, Better Farming and Better Pork

Phillip and Katie Keddy - OYFF 2020 Outstanding Young Farmers

Phillip and Katie Keddy

2020 Atlantic Outstanding Young Farmers

Phillip and Katie Keddy of Lakeville, Nova Scotia. As partners in Charles Keddy Farms Ltd, Phillip and Katie maintain a diverse business model producing nursery stock strawberry plants, sweet potatoes, and other crops. They also raise a herd of 55 beef cattle. Philip and Katie were named Atlantic Canada’s 2020 Outstanding Young Farmers.

Andrew Campbell - OYFF 2020 Panelist

Andrew Campbell

Andrew Campbell is a farmer, award winning communicator & passionate farm advocate. With the farm, he and his family milk cows as well as grow corn, soybeans, wheat & hay in Southern Ontario’s Middlesex County. On top of farming, Andrew has become a familiar voice for farmers and agriculture issues in the mainstream media, conference halls & online, pushing the positive stories that farmers across Canada have to share with their non-farming neighbours. He’s received awards that have named him a Leader in Innovation, Champion, Game-Changer & Top Agriculture Influencer for his work through written word, photographs, videos and podcasts.

Andre Steppler - Speaker at OYFF 2020

André Steppler

Manitoba’s 2020 Outstanding Young Farmers

André Steppler of Miami, Manitoba. André and Katie Steppler, along with André’s parents and 3 brothers operate Steppler Farms Ltd. Steppler Farms is a multi-generational farm that consists of 4000 acres of grain land, 2500 honey beehives, as well as a cattle division which includes 600 purebred Charolais and 100 Black Angus. The farm will be celebrating its centennial in 2021. André and Katie were named Manitoba’s 2020 Outstanding Young Farmers.