2021 was a good year for the Essex – Kent Junior Farmers, despite the challenges brought on by the pandemic. We were able to hold our November and December meetings in person which was a great feeling and allowed us to reconnect in person, something we weren’t able to do in many of the 2021 meetings, which were held over zoom. In November, we held our 2nd annual Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) sign exchange in the parking lot of the Peavey Mart in Chatham. We were once again sponsored by the Kent Federation of Agriculture as they covered the cost of the signs and refreshments for farmers. The exchange once again was a success as we exchanged 21 worn out / broken SMV signs with brand new steel ones. Something new in 2021 that wasn’t part of our 2019 event was a battery and bottle drive. AGRIS Co-operative supported us by being a collection depot for our batteries and Battery Boy in Chatham was where we delivered the batteries for recycling. Through the battery and bottle drive we raised $703.90! The Essex-Kent Junior Farmers are donating $300 to Chatham-Kent Outreach for Hunger, $300 to Essex County Food Banks and the remaining $103.90 to the Provincial charity for 2021… the Do More Ag Foundation. Our SMV sign exchange has caught the attention of the Essex County Federation of Agriculture and they have agreed to sponsor us in hosting an exchange at one of the Peavey Mart stores in Essex County in the spring of 2022. This year, Essex-Kent is looking forward to having more in person meetings and socials again, along with working on recruiting new members.