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Kelsey Brekelmams – Scotland – Part 1

Kelsey Brekelmams – Scotland – Part 1
Kelsey Brekelmams Scotland Part 1

May 26th- June 6th

It’s been almost two weeks in this beautiful country that is Scotland and I’ll soon be moving to my second host family.

Currently I have been staying with the Hendrie’s on their dairy farm which has provided me with the opportunity to help out with milkings and calf chores. So far I have been to two shows, tug o war practice and a 21st birthday party where I’ve met many “young farmers” from different clubs and made a few good friends.

The weather has been absolutely wonderful for touring, spending the day at Culzean castle and ending it with a swim at a small waterfall. I’ve also spent the day in Glasgow, starting at the botanic gardens and having to figure out the public transportation systems, taking both the subway and the train and overall enjoying the street performers and all the little shops.

I’m excited for the highland show as it’s all anyone has been talking about and I’m looking forward to meeting my next hosts.

- Kelsey Brekelmams

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