
JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.


JFAO News Posts

Sarah Danen - Ireland

Sarah Danen – Ireland – Part 2

The second half of my exchange was a little different than the first half. I toured a few more farms and also worked for one of my host families. One

Sarah Danen - Ireland

Sarah Danen – Ireland

I am about halfway through my exchange here in The Republic of Ireland. It so far has been an amazing experience. I have had the opportunity to help on a

Julie Milne - Switzerland

Julie Milne – Switzerland – Part 1

Arrival date: June 20th What a month it has been! I have lived in a house built in 1730, milked in a parlor for the first time, swam in the

Kelsey Brekelmams Scotland Part 1

Kelsey Brekelmams – Scotland – Part 1

May 26th- June 6th It’s been almost two weeks in this beautiful country that is Scotland and I’ll soon be moving to my second host family. Currently I have been

2023 March Conference Banquet Night

2023 March Conference Recap

The 2023 Junior Farmers’ Association of Ontario (JFAO) March Conference took place in Kitchener from March 24th to 26th, 2023. Under the conference theme of Channel Surfing, members and recent

Junior Farmers are volunteers.

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