JFAO is funded solely with the support of members, donors and sponsors.

Permoo and Change

Permoo and Change
Permoo Perth’s new official mascot

2016 has continued on with changes in Perth County and we are excited to see even more ahead. Perth JF would like to introduce “Permoo” to JFAO as Perth’s new official mascot. He began his Junior Farmer experience in Ottawa last year at Sing Swing and was made our official mascot at our AGM in January. We look forward to seeing how far our new friend will travel and all the exciting adventures he will get up to. His farthest trip so far is to Denver, Colorado. Please help us welcome “Permoo” the next time you see him.

Other changes Perth members have been working on so far this year is increasing our membership’s training levels. In February we had three members attend their First Aid and CPR Training, and a group has and will be attending local Smart Serve training sessions, with more ideas in the works. All in all Perth has embraced change as something of the norm, and look forward to the new opportunities in the year ahead.

Crystal Blake is President of Perth JF. 


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