6 delegates from 6 different countries travel to Canada to Join a Junior Farmers Exchange program. Our first area we visited was wasZone 4 and we started of in Haldiman & Norfolk County. The highlights of our first weeks was our day trip to Niagara Falls where we got to ride on the Hornblower and walk behind the falls. We also went on farm tours, lavender and winery tour and a trip to the Lion Safari where some of us got to ride on an Elephant. Our first week was amazing with a lot of new experiences and meeting some amazing people.
Before we knew it were we packing up and heading off to our new host families. Waterloo was our next county for a week, we were welcomed with a BBQ where we got to meet the new club. We were only with this club for 5 days so we were kept very busy. We got a few tours of Mennonite farmers and greenhouses, a Brewery and a Distillery. Its been great to see and understand the difference in the way the Mennonite families live and work within the community. The club also held a car rally which meant we got to meet a lot of new people and got the see the Waterloo area a lot better.
At the end of the week we headed off to Leadership camp around Brantford. this was a weekend full of new experiences, getting pushed to new limits,meeting new people and lots of laughs. We all had a great time and enjoyed meeting past and future host clubs.
So far we are all finding experience amazing and are making life long friends.